Its alive!


Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ne So. Dakota
Okay que the frankenstein bolts in my neck and some lightening in the background........The truck is about finished up. I got the timing set correctly yesterday and have been working on it 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there and put enough of it together today to fire it up. The starter is still messing with me but seawalkersee offered me a used one for the price of shipping but I might still get a new one haven't decided. It was cold but I didn't plug it in mainly because I just put the coolant back in it and didn't know if there were any air pockets in the hoses and I wanted to see it fire on its own. It didn't take too long even though the starter was spinning slow and it fired right up. And to top it off? Well while it was down this time I put the adjustable pushrod on from napa for the master cylinder and now my clutch works perfectly. I still need to install the clutch fan and fan shroud and a few other tiny things, get some more ps fluid, etc. but the truck should be running and driving soon enough. I am excited. Also I switched back my glowplug controller because the one I put on from another motor the solenoid must have stuck on and this one is working properly at the moment but if I have any more problems I will just go new.

I just want to say thanks so much to everyone on here for the help. I have had plenty of useful help on here when I came to a dead end.


Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ne So. Dakota
Okay took it for its first decent test drive tonight about 35 miles round trip and I was all grins the whole way and so was my 5 year old. He has spent a little time helping and watching and felt included on the project. The turbo seems to have sealed up also because I could hear it alot better. I am going to turn the pump up though because I barely get black smoke when I stomp on it. When I do get the turbo to whistle my son and a I both have sh*t eating grins :) It feels like its been years since I drove the truck last. Now I can get on to other little projects like the car and just enjoying the holiday.


The Anti-Anderson
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Bowling Green, KY
Tom, that's great to hear. The timing issue was a huge hurdle to jump, and the now that the clutch is working with the proper travel at the master cylinder............YOUR BACK ON THE ROAD!!!;Sweet

We knew you could do it man. I'm very glad to hear she's back and you get to enjoy her again.

Now she's ready for a big road trip to Pennsylvainia for the Rally in July.LOL



Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ne So. Dakota
Haha I really want to come to the rally the kids would love it. I should have came to this years since it was in Illinois. Maybe I can make it the next time depending on where its at. We will be moving in the spring into a house that needs alot of attention so thats where I will be spending alot of my money and time pretty soon. I really appreciate your help Heath and everyone else that has chimed in when I posted. I might do a injector pump and injectors next month. Now that I can drive the truck again I am noticing all the improvements that were small fixes but added up to alot. The flywheel isn't clanging around, no leaks, turbo is sealed up so I am not getting soot all over the cab and turbo is spooling more now, just a lot of little stuff. I will be ordering a ogr starter today and pretty soon get the pedal bushings ordered there is play in that and I think the adjustable pushrod is compensating for that right now but want to fix it right. I still have some permagrin when I drive it today! We had our family xmas yesterday and I drove it in for that and that was kind of my latest deadline I had in my head of getting it fixed so it worked out. I still have to drive the car most of the time because the truck cost too much to drive but oh well.

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