Arctic condition Adventures


Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
Oakbank, Manitoba, Canada
Crossed into North Dakota yesterday (New Years Eve) to pick up a Turbo for my truck.
It was an actual - 36C (-33F) with wind.
Most of the 80 mile each way trip was in wide open deserted farm Land.
Picked up the Turbo In Neche and crossed back into Canada.
Driving a 1995 Olds 98 (wife's car).
About 10 minutes into Canada hear a pop like we had hit chunk of ice or something.
About a minute later the dash starts to flash red and the message center reports low coolant?
I calmly encourage the wife loudly to PULL OVER NOW!
Conveniently we were just passing through the only small town on the road and there was a restaurant driveway
to pull into.
Open the hood and see tensioner pulley has collapsed and belt running down side of tensioner and still slowly moving.
I politely request wife to SHUT IT OFF!
No tools and no parts, I just know this is going to be very inconvenient and cold.
Wife foolishly wants to see if there is a garage close by that can help us.
I know this is impossible because it is almost noon on New Years eve and parts will not be available.
Wife flags down a truck just leaving the restaurant and asks if there is an open garage nearby -
"right across the street" replies the driver and offers us a lift.
I sensibly argue with the wife that it is hopeless and we should just get a tow
(wife has auto club membership as I know I will never need it).
Two minute drive to the garage and I attempt to convince the owner that he cannot help us,
(I am anticipating a $300 bill at least).
Wife attempts to contact auto club but it is apparent we will be waiting for hours for help.
We talk and he offers me tools to take the tensioner pulley off and his daughter who is doing nothing
takes me out to an idling minivan and drives me back to the vehicle.
The idler comes off surprisingly easily (luckily I knew left hand thread) and we take it back.
The garage owner rummages around and finds me a new idler and changes the bolt to my LH one.
His daughter takes me back, I install idler and belt remarkably has no serious damage.
Start it up and we are good to go.
Bill = $40 so wife encourages me to give him $50 which I do.
We continue our journey and get home safely.
Probably a few lessons to be learned here.
1. Remain calm in tense situations.
2. Be willing to listen to all suggestions no matter how foolish
3. The strengths of a wife can compensate for the weaknesses of a husband, opposite may or may not be true.

I don't know what the odds of breaking down right in front of probably the only source of immediate help
on a three hour journey are, but The Lord or dumb luck was really looking out for us.

Happy New Year to all from Canada.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
Sooo.. Tell me more about this daughter that took you for a ride....:eek::rotflmao;Really:angel: I just had to tease.. Really sounds like someone gave you your hat in this instance from this side of the computer. Funny how things work out when we see the exact situation as hopeless. Many times my wife has solved my worldly problems because I could not see the easy way to repair or act when something really complex happens. Many years ago I was under our Wellcraft bost installing a seawater pickup for the new bait tank I was installing. Daughter was under there watching my every move when she saw I was having trouble with the thru bolts. She simply said.. "Try the longer one Dad"... :eek: She was 5 years old at the time. I had not said a word about the bolts being too short but she picked up on that right away.. From the mouth of babes we can learn.. From the mouth of our wives we learn humility too.:rolleyes::hail:angel: Really glad you got home safe and have a turbo to share with us later on.


Full Access Member
Apr 15, 2012
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Turned out better than the family in a newer mercedes that showed up at my shop yesterday @ 1pm. Their radiator fan came apart and destroyed the radiator. I called every place even the dealer 60 miles away and i cant get a rad till thursday. Aint no fixin the destroyed radiator either. We tried. They are spending new years in motel6


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
Turned out better than the family in a newer mercedes that showed up at my shop yesterday @ 1pm. Their radiator fan came apart and destroyed the radiator. I called every place even the dealer 60 miles away and i cant get a rad till thursday. Aint no fixin the destroyed radiator either. We tried. They are spending new years in motel6

Not even pick a part for the needed parts??/ I know its not new but it may have gotten them home or wherever...


Full Access Member
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Not even pick a part for the needed parts??/ I know its not new but it may have gotten them home or wherever...

I cant shut the doors while i spend hrs driving around looking at the different picaparts tho. I did call the 2 salvage yards here and they closed at noon.


Drives really slow
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Okay... I'm really thinking that you are missing the whole learning experience thing from your trip. Based on your three things learned, you are missing the most important...

The moral of the story is, if you drive an older vehicle you go on EVERY trip with spare parts and tools. I can't imagine going on some long trip though the middle of no where without bringing at least some tools.

I carry, coolant, water, oil, a full array of belts and various size hoses and clamps, O-rings, a full crescent tool set (jobber from costco), glues, fuses, rags, gloves, multimeter, soldering iron and accessories, and various other items...
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