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  1. JPhauler87

    Steering pump for fuge

    What's a common application you guys are using for the steering pumps with no reservoir? The gear pump that came with my PA bio fuge crapped and is $200 to replace.
  2. JPhauler87

    W80: keeping it mixed

    I started off dumping in my WMO in my settling tank and dumping in the RUG, assuming it would diffuse. After allowing a few days to settle, I found the last few gallons were thin... As if the gas just stayed on top. So I started adding 5gal WMO then some gas, then more WMO and more gas until the...
  3. JPhauler87

    New 12v WMO user in CT

    New Cummins 12v WMO User Hi all, I find myself here a lot after Googling WMO stuff and have learned quite a bit from you guys. Thought I'd finally join up. I have a 1995 2500 Ram. 4x4 5spd. Took me a while to find this truck in my price range, and honestly I probably ended up in the price...