Recent content by Kimber

  1. Kimber

    New truck!

    Mine's been in the body shop all last week. I've been driving a gasser rental and rolling the windows down when I get passed by ANY diesel....just to listen :hail
  2. Kimber

    New truck!

    I believe mine's getting louder too.....until I park it between a couple of 2nd gens. I have to ak them to let me start up first, so's I know it's running
  3. Kimber

    Secure your Straps

    Yeah, if it had broke on the other side of the buckle, I'd have to replace the back glass too. I just dropped it off at the body shop this morning...lonesome for 5 days.
  4. Kimber

    Secure your Straps

    I got in a habit of tying down anything in the bed of my truck no matter what size. This time it was a 5gal water cooler and a 2 wheel dolly for my son's ball team.....secured to the front by a tie-down stap between the front cleats. Long story short, on the interstate, the loose "tail" of the...
  5. Kimber

    Where is all the Cummins-aholics

    Glad to see you're here Rusty
  6. Kimber

    Gauge style Bout the best prices i've found
  7. Kimber

    Gauge style

    Makes sense to me........thanks to all for the input
  8. Kimber

    Gauge style bout the mount? Not the dash, but the windshield
  9. Kimber

    Gauge style

    I've been loking into a set of gauges for the truck with the windshield mount. Would y'all think white faced Isspros to match factory faced since the overhead puter is basically black???? :confused:
  10. Kimber

    I've got a FREE gooseneck hitch........

    Pretty good info here.....
  11. Kimber

    Any of you ever heard of noodlin

    Bout as legal as dynamitin :D
  12. Kimber

    Well ain't this a bummer!

    Talk about a high pucker factor......

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