California- Diesels- DMV Regulations- Do I have a chance of keeping my truck?


Diesel Wolf Puppy
Mar 26, 2013
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Las Vegas Nevada
That's what really has me flabbergasted, not so much the radical crap coming out of Sacramento, that's to be expected to a degree, but the fact that it's all going unchallenged. These 'laws' are so damaging and so illegal the fact that everyone is just rolling over and playing dead on the matter makes no sense to me at all.

All laws are a us against them mentality and only designed to rake in profit for the entity behind the shadows wanting them... Think of insurance regulations and the like. Petitioning a court won't do anything, lawyers just drown and drown the opposing party in paper work/change venues over and over until you run out of money/go away.

Many people are beyond living pay check to pay check, it's more like phantom paycheck to paycheck. Even taking one day off to protest at city hall could bury them in a deep financial hole.

It's a very rough double edged sword. The type of change the country needs is not fought at the ballot box or in a court, it's deeper then that. The masses that are aware of this are stuck in a bind: to bring that change around requires very drastic measures.

I follow this currently with a town I'm moving into later on. The nation called them all kooks and "scary goons" with guns for wanting a entire town board arrested because they are sick of a chosen few trying to force a town incorporation vote. The "get the hell out of my town with your incorporation movement!" voice is stronger then the weaker "we want incorporation" movement. However, the even stronger voice is the typical one you see in media "nut jobs" "what's their problem?" "omg! people with guns!" People that want to take their rights back are basically quietly in the media tagged as a serial killer, freak, conspiracy tin foil nut job, etc etc.

Anytime something happens here even, we have a majority rush out of the wood work. Someone got drunk and crashed head on into a toyota here in a pickup truck, the saber rattling started "get big trucks off the road!" "you just drive it cause you have a tiny ****!" "I feel threatened on the road with all these big trucks cutting me off in my corolla!" (news flash, it's you doing the erratic driving 90% of the time mr/mrs corolla driver!) and so forth...

When a minority opinion morphs into the majority, it sets a bad precedent. Anti diesel hysteria has built for years/decades, and hatchet jobs like the kook above in california government are riding on that. Helen Love Joy syndrome is what I call it.

Helen Lovejoy Syndrome ("Won't someone please think of the children!" - simpsons reference) has many of it's ghosts around las vegas here. When the rush to nevada in the 90's took place from california (which I was a part of, can't escape that fact, it's how you handle yourself after that fact) The disease came with it. There are school zones every 5 inches here. Hell, sometimes you can't even see the school, but there is a school zone. It's from the Helen Lovejoy types, whining and moaning to the city council/other agencies. After their 7 year tenure (Average lifespan of someone living here before the "town gets to them" is 7 years and they leave elsewhere) the legacy remains. And it's pollution on the town.

So many whine and moan about the lack of culture here. It's here, always been here, just have to look for it. Hell, i've lived in California (left this state for a while) as a adult, and i'll be darned... You still had to "seek" the culture out. However, down there it's in prepackaged expensive formats for the brain dead masses to consume. Beaches. Theme Parks. Theaters tucked into pockets of towns.

My definition of culture is different then theirs, and yet mine is under threat because they don't like having to drive deep into the nevada interior and find it. Or, it comes to them in the form of "Nature Encapsulation" at red rock canyon. You used to have to walk around in a "dirty" area to get some culture at the visitors center. Now it's air conditioned, has a expanded gift shop, and a long window designed to "Encapsulate" you in nature, while allowing photos to be taken "I Was here!" at it's prime vantage point.... Give me a break!

Look around you. The answer to why it is so difficult to get rid of this is the extreme minority....

Long story short: When targets are erased away, they move to others. Cigarette Smoking? Now it's texting while driving. Texting while driving gone? Next it will be driving by driving "look at all those old folks "driving" their cars. Why are they still doing that? You don't have to drive a car anymore! it drives for you! I feel threatened! take em off the road!"
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Full Access Member
May 14, 2011
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womens trying to make laws about machines they do not understand.
recipe for disaster.

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