Are OSC radiators any good?


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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The radiator in my RV is starting to leak a good bit more. Not a massive leak but it does seem worse vs a year ago. Still cooling ok, climbed to about 220*F on the EB I-40 steep climb about 10 miles before you get to Williams, AZ. But it won't take long to eat up a lot of money keeping it topped off.

Radiators for 83-91 IDI Econolines are mostly expensive, $650-1000+. The mounts are just slightly different from F-series (taller/wider apart), so one could probably just measure and drill holes in the core support, since it has the clip-on nuts that provide the threads. But I wonder if the fan shroud would fit the F-series radiator. It could be that made it slightly different too. Might be better off sticking with a proper radiator for E-series.

Amazon has an OSC radiator for $250 with tax, but shows out of stock right now. I went ahead and ordered one since they are allowing it, no charge until it ships, and I put in my mom's address since I plan to head there in the next 6 weeks or so. That way maybe it'll get there while I'm there. If not, I can cancel it.

RockAuto has the same OSC radiator for a higher price, as well as 2 and 3 row radiators are about $750 with shipping. They are considered premium, vs the OSC that's considered "standard". The OSC doesn't say how many rows, so that's a bit suspect too. Single perhaps?

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Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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Upon closer inspection, I can't honestly tell if it's leaking from the radiator or from the lower hose. The clamp is still tight.

Although I found a trans cooler hose clamp VERY loose next to it, dunno HOW that wasn't leaking badly or blown clean off under pressure! I need to check that crap more! It only had a very tiny bit of seepage.

But back to the radiator, it has a ton of scale looking crap around the hose. I have shined a light up behind the fan and I dont see any corrosion up there at all. It could be leaking from the front though, I can't see it much due to the A/C condenser. But I dont see any corrosion crap down low where it's a bit exposed, where you'd think it would leak down and show evidence of a path. So, maybe it just needs a new lower hose. It has been on there 4 years and has worked pretty hard heat wise.

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Feb 20, 2023
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I would think that air flow would cause any coolant from a leak to move from front to back, but not so much in the other direction. It seems like there is also some scale on the tie rod and fan shroud. Now I know that airflow patterns in an engine compartment can be weird, but it think that the scale on the front of of the radiator would need to come from somewhere above.

With that being said, hoses are definitely cheaper than radiators. And if you do get a new rad, you'll want new hoses anyway. Not much to loose if you change it out now to see if the leak stops.


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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I would think that air flow would cause any coolant from a leak to move from front to back, but not so much in the other direction. It seems like there is also some scale on the tie rod and fan shroud. Now I know that airflow patterns in an engine compartment can be weird, but it think that the scale on the front of of the radiator would need to come from somewhere above.

With that being said, hoses are definitely cheaper than radiators. And if you do get a new rad, you'll want new hoses anyway. Not much to loose if you change it out now to see if the leak stops.

Very true about the air flow. The back side looks very clean, aside from very old mud wasp nest residue in a spot or two. It seems like I have always seen a tiny bit of a seep from that lower hose. Maybe the radiator barb is just a bit yucky and I didn't notice when I was replacing it in 2019, and it never quite sealed right. After 4 years and climbing mountains out west so much over the past 2 years, it might be getting deteriorated and leaking worse.

Regarding the scale around the fan shroud and tie rods, it could very easily just be from driving at highway speeds. Plus I have been in some head winds lately, so it could just have been splattering that far based on heavy wind gusts.

So, I just canceled the order on the OSC radiator, for now. It could very well be a single row, being so cheap. I can't find any info on the subject. That just won't do for cooling this thing. In a regular van that isn't hauling or towing much, maybe it would be ok. Not so much in this.

I'll see about replacing the lower hose in June. Might as well replace the upper again while I'm at it, since it'll be 4.5years old too (by the time I get to it) and the radiator will be fully drained for the lower.


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Feb 22, 2017
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Central NY
I had a slow leak I was having trouble finding. Ended up being a small crack in the hose partially under the clamp. I was glad it wasn't the radiator in my case. Maybe you can be so lucky?

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