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I’ve a couple small gas kicker outboard engines and a generator. I put ethanol free gas in all of them but curious about additives. I use the marine Stabil additive for the outboards but curious if it’s problematic to use this in the generator engine? Not sure the difference between marine (blue bottle) and non-marine (red bottle) Stabil. I just want to be able to use the same fuel cans - with additive- across these engines and curious if it makes any difference. Thanks for any help or if there are other suggestions I’m all ears
reason I’m asking because I don’t have any gas vehicles and can’t use old gas anywhere, just want to make it last longer for the small carb’d engines - they’re all 4 stroke
reason I’m asking because I don’t have any gas vehicles and can’t use old gas anywhere, just want to make it last longer for the small carb’d engines - they’re all 4 stroke
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