Lets have some fun!!!

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Supporting Member
Mar 24, 2004
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Thats right gang, lets raise a glass to new ownership and continued sponsorship from great vendors so with that in mind we want to celebrate and we want you to celebrate along with us so we are going to have a little fun here.

Josh @ Grand Rock Truck Exhaust Systems has graciously agreed to donate either a complete 4" aluminized system turbo back w/4" stainless tip, OR a 4" stack kit w/ choice of stacks. If the winner of this system wants to do an upgrade above and beyond Josh will honor the system and you simply pay the difference between what you have won and what you want to upgrade to.

There will be second and third place "also ran" winners as well. How do you compete and or win? Easy...............

Reply to this thread in an essay form of why you visit our site and what it is about your truck/vehicle that you love the most. Creativity counts, so dig down and get to it. Make us laugh, make us cry or make us want to run for the hills. There is no limit or required word count. Just lay it out for us and hope for the best.

Good luck to all and this contest also includes our sister site so remember, you are competing with everybody. We will wrap it up on April 30th.

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for participating and making our sites so successful, heres to another banner year!!!


Shutter Bug
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Essay:dunno ....Hell I barely passed english....and it's not my second language:D

Then write it in Itialian, just give us sub titles, o-tay buckwheet :rotflmao

I can't write one 'cause stacks would look funny on mini-me :eek: :rotflmao

Thanks to Mike (95_stroker) and everybody here for making this a great and informative site and I can't wait to read some of the essay's.


Full Access Member
May 5, 2006
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none ya bidnes
Then write it in Itialian, just give us sub titles, o-tay buckwheet :rotflmao

I can't write one 'cause stacks would look funny on mini-me :eek: :rotflmao

Thanks to Mike (95_stroker) and everybody here for making this a great and informative site and I can't wait to read some of the essay's.
C'mon Stickers, I don't have a problem with stacks on minime

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Shutter Bug
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
That ain't right Mike......

Ok back on topic here............who's gonna be the first?????


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
NECKVILLE North Carolina
Ok back on topic here............who's gonna be the first?????

I second strokers :hail :hail to all who made OB an informative and FUN ;Sweet place to visit and participate in and look foreward to bigger and better things at Oilburners !
Let's get the tech sections burning :peelout:

:cheers: everone!

these storys should be some great reading LOL ;Sweet :thumbsup:


Supporting vendor - www.grpipes.com
Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Painesville, Ohio
Hey everyone, just thought I make a quick note here. Grand Rock is glad to be part of this celebration! Good luck to all of those who enter the contest, and feel free to ask me any questions about the up-grades if you like! Good Luck Everyone!


Supporting Member
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
these storys should be some great reading LOL ;Sweet :thumbsup:

'Zactly, I'm thinking this should be good. I've already seen some of our members talents when it comes to spinning out a yarning tale of thier trucks ability or inablitly....... I cant wait to read some of what we come up with.

Come on guys, theres a 4" stack kit riding on your creativity. Remember, youre competing against the dark side as well. Are you going to let one of those techno-geeks win this?


Inside your OODA
Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
I visit this site, cuz nobody else will take me & I love the fact that the truck is paid for :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I win ;Sweet ;Sweet ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p


Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Southeast Ohio
I own my truck because my father is a yard sale ******!!!

One weekend about 1 ½ years ago, my father called me and said he had just been yard sale-ing. At one particular yard sale he purchased a 9.9 horsepower Mercury outboard to strap on our boat to make it legal for the little lakes around here, one of which is where he kept his pontoon. At any rate, there was a sign on a post that read “Three Ford F series trucks for sale, $2000.00 for all three” which peaked his interest enough that he had to tell me about it! I may never forgive him for making that call!!! J

So, I go check these trucks out, two are 6.9’s the other is a 1980 F-100 with a 460 stuffed in it. As soon as I saw the trucks, I knew who the previous owner was, a long time friend of mine who I hadn’t heard from in quite sometime, but had heard he was diagnosed with brain cancer. I went and talked to him and found out he was selling the trucks to help cover medical expenses, and got the lowdown on the trucks. One truck, the main part of which now makes up the “Mule” as my friends like to call it, was in pretty good shape but had just had a water pump put on it and now would not run. Of course the guru’s quickly told me about the water pump bolts etc. and that they probably had ruined the injector pump, as I have learned in most cases, the guru’s were correct, but I bought the trucks anyways, paid a friend with a wrecker $150 to haul all three to my house. The delivery should have told me to get an exorcist, or change my mind about this purchase, but I needed a truck and wanted to try a diesel – boy, should I have thought more about this purchase! J

The friend with the wrecker, hauled the 1987 F250 without incident, except for the rear bumper brackets letting loose and the bumper ending up in the bed of the truck. I should have listened to Mr. Murphy, as he was telling me to beware, but I didn’t. The next to be hauled was the F350. My friend got it hooked up without incident, but that was about the only thing that went without incident! They towed the truck about ½ mile and the front brakes locked up (was hooked to the rear). So, my acquaintance (told me at this point he didn’t want to be considered a friend any longer! J) switched the hook and headed on home. He had a 1989 F350 wrecker with a 6.9 transplant, which become important later! The next thing to happen was the rear end went out of the wrecker, I guess, like my jack-stands, it did not care for the weight of the 6.9 in the front of that F350! Since it was 4 wheel drive, he pulled the rear axles out and ran it ALMOST the rest of the way on the front axles. I should mention at this point that I live on a hill, I pretty steep hill J and he couldn’t make it the last 1/8 mile to the top which is less than ¼ mile from my home, so I go get my tractor. I swear I was only gone for a minute, but when I returned, my acquaintance informed me he no longer wanted to be my acquaintance either. His truck, while idling awaiting my return “just died” to hear him explain it. After 2 or 3 hours of diagnosis, we determined the IP had died, so we remove the one from my F350, put it on, bleed it out and we are back in business. We get my tractor hooked up and get ready to crest the hill when my tractor dies! Here we sit, middle of the road, pretty much tractor over the hill, wrecker on top, and the newly purchase F350 on the other side, we couldn’t go anywhere!!! Have you ever seen two grown men, sitting in the middle of a township road, crying? It is an ugly site. Eventually, we get my tractor fired as the 12 volt conversion killed the 6 volt points, luckily, I had a spare set. We get the F350 home and call it a day, we were too afraid to go after the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> devil spawn!

A week or so goes by, my now distant acquaintance never calls, I think he should have changed his number! J I give him a ring and he finally agrees that he will go get the third and final truck. This time, he brings his F250 and lowboy and we drive the 10 miles to where the third and final truck is parked. We back the lowboy in and see that the F100 no longer has wheels or tires!!! Off we go back to my house where I get a set I had from another Ford truck, a 1966 F150. Of course those of you who are Ford fans probably know the next problem…F100 and F150 rims are not interchangeable and my once close friend not only disowns me, but threatens my heritage and my life if I ever call him again. After about 2 hours of running around in his F250 with a 460 that gets about 8 MPG, we find a set of rims that will work to get this thing home. We load it with a winch as none of these trucks run and head home. On the way, we hit something that looks like a board; well actually it was a board, one with nails in it that takes out the front passenger tire on his truck and both right side tires on the tandem axle trailer. I just had to say it, "look on the good side, we still have a good rear tire on your truck". We are still 6 miles from home and at this point, I fear for my life as my buddy is a funny shade of red. I have to walk about two miles to the top of the next hill (actually ran most of it as I was being chased but he smokes and had to stop and light up a couple of times) and called for help. Got the tires off, hauled to a repair shop and fixed, we are now going on 8 hours to haul one truck, 10 miles, my buddy is furious, but we finally make it home where I make it up to him by grilling some nice steaks and a few cold ones. I still don’t hear from him much though…not sure why!

After getting the trucks home, I changed the water pump on the 87 and tried to get it running using parts from the 85 F350 that had been removed for the water pump change on the 87 that took out the IP. The mechanic removed them and took them as he never received payment as my friend who owned the trucks died, two short weeks after being diagnosed. I have been motivated to work on this truck many times for no known reason, as I mentioned, my buddy still refers to them all as devil spawn and refuses to ride in my 87, the only truck that survived the transplant and parting out procedure, but I know that even though it needed a ton of work, my deceased buddy gets a kick out of me tinkering with the old jewel. As aggravated as I get at it sometimes, it is still a good truck that after much TLC hasn’t let me down. I can’t seem to find anything it can’t pull and it feels great to make things for it such as the exhaust system that I just never took the time to do before. Hopefully a turbo and such will be future additions, but for now, I often hear my passed friend’s laughter when I ride down the road. I wish he knew of Oil Burners and the great bunch of people here that would have helped him fix things right so I didn’t have too! J Hopefully Garry has found comfort where he now resides…and he still gets a laugh out of my truck frustrations.
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the misanthrope
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
OB has been a breath of fresh air ever since I joined three years ago. As a regular "over there" prior to joining OB, it was all I knew of diesel forums...the banning...the deletions...the censorship and gestapo style moderation. Then one day I was invited by a member "over there" to join over here. What I found was a welcome to all diesel brand owners, a smaller membership base, a freer style of moderation, the ability to post photos in replies and of course The Battlegrounds which metamorphosed into The Refinery and Girls Girls Girls, which speaks for itself. Then as more and more members from "over there" joined over here, a group of regulars formed who "knew" each other from "over there". Years later most of us are still here. That makes OB special.

Then a year later in April '05 SDD opened its doors and that's when I registered. Initially at OB there was much talk about the need for a Ford spin-off site. There were concerns about double posting and concerns that the Ford guys would leave OB. All of this speculation turned out to be nonsense. SDD has attracted a great caliber of membership who realize what a great site it is. Sure there are less members than "over there", but smaller can be better and is. SDD feels like old friends...although many of us have never met each other.

Keeping a 10+ year old truck with over 265K miles running like new is a challenge as parts wear out. Having a competent group of fellow OBS owners is comforting. That makes OB & SDD special.

Driving a diesel is special as is the ability to run it on various fuels like biodiesel. Converting a diesel to run on veggie oil is really special. Next month will be a year running WVO and it's a blast. Converting my truck turned out to be a great move. My first years were dedicated to modding, although I stopped short of Stage 1s and an intercooler. This past year has been the oiliest of my life. I dream and breath soybean oil. It's so bad I really think I have an oil problem. I can't get enough of it. I've ruined at least 10 pair of jeans and tee shirts. Two pair of sneakers are so oily I can't wear them in the house. I just wanna be an oil baron. Rudolf would be very pleased.

Nine pair of wvo jeans. I'm wearing the 10th. :D
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Idont do injectors
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
New Brighton PA
Why I like Oilburners?

Why I like Oilburners?

Wow this is a hard question to answer. Well as with a lot folks here, I was disgusted with another diesel site whose mods and owner were out of control with censorship. So one day after having a post deleted, an Oilburners member sent me an invite. I've been hooked ever since.

I like to compare Oilburners to a corner tavern, ice cream stand, coffee shop, or anyplace that you may stop off at on your way home from work to sit down, relax, have a cold one with the guys, shoot the bull, learn about the day's happenings, and see some great Photos (thanks to both geonc and Jharvey). I enjoy learning things from people all over the world and what makes them tick. I really enjoy learning what others do for a living, and how they spend their leisure time. To see the craftsmanship that others have and be amazed at what they can do.

Whilst the old IDI in the driveway has given way to a OBS PSD, I was welcomed "out of the basement" into the PSD fold. While not be total shunned by the IDI guys. Sure, I had to take my SWONKS like most who have made their way up the stairs, but it was all in fun and never really taken to heart. I met a great group of people at several of the early IDI weekends and most of them moved over to Oilburners to make it their "home" too. I have missed the last few IDI weekends (or should they now be called WEEKS?) and I do miss them when July comes around. We sit here at our computers conversing everyday, but when people meet face to face it just adds so much more to the relationships. As with a lot of folks here, I now have friends that would drop what they are doing to help me in a time of need, and I would gladly do the same for them if asked.

Most days now I find myself bouncing between OB and SDD. I go to SDD to learn about problems and fixes for the PSD and newer tech stuff. But still love OB for the OBS trucks and to see if I can share any of my IDI knowledge that I've learned over the years.

I think these sites are the greatest source of free info and experiences that one can pull from to help themselves. There are a lot of people in the world anymore who charge you out the A$$ just to talk to you (lawyers for one) and to be able to come here do a quick search (that actually works) on your problem and most of the time an answer is waiting for you. If not, then everyone pulls from their experiences, and normally the correct answer can be found.

So in closing: To the mods and owners of OB and SDD. Keep up the good work your doing a fine job. “Keep your stick on the ice; we're all in this together."(Red Green) Russ

86 1 tonhauler

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
please i want 4" stacks

well first off i have a 86 f-350 dually 6.9l with a 4 speed i bought it for 800 bucks and it was wreked , it needed a rad, left front fender , door , hood , cowl, its got dents in the right door, needed a bumper real bad, grille, left head light bezel light,fuel line return kit , and it needs bucket seat sliders, well im a young guy i dont make great money but since i was young and stupid and bought a nissan titan in 04 and i payed 17.5k for it but at 16.5% interest on so buy the time i pay it off i have payed 44k for this 2wd ex cab base model truck and im stuck with it, well for another 4 more year, thats right 4more years of paying $500 a month plus 229 a ,month for insuranse so as u can see it adds up quick, i regret ever buying it cuz i could of bought a used psd or some other diesel truck for half the money and got twice as much gas milage and could pull a heck of alot more weight, well being that i dont have money falling out of a tree in my yard the junk yard around here wanted 150 for a friggin hood and 100 for a fender then 50 for a grille and so on all outragous prices , like they were gold or somethin so i said screw this ill wait so my dually been sittin in my yard waitin and lonely waiting to get drove, so one day a guy i work with says hey i got a 85 f-150 for sale and the body is in perfect shape and it only needs a rearend so i say how much he goes 200 bucks and u can have it so i said dang ill have to wait a week or so till i get the money cuz money is tight so he said ok but i dont know how long it will be there well then about a month goes by i get the money and i finally after two weeks get of hold of him and told him i got the money do u still have the truck , and he said heck ya so i told him i had no way of gettin it to my house and he told me he would barrow a trailer so i could pull it home and i was like sweet, well i get to his house and i remember a few weeks back i gave him a carb so after i loaded it up on the trailer i asked him if he would take 175 for it since i gave him the carb and he told me alright deal so now i got it loaded up and my house is probably twenty mins away or so im 3/4 of the way there and a dang tire blows on the trailer and im like damn *** now i have the worst luck with tires on trailers it seems like every dang time i pull one a damn tire blows cuz someone else abused the heck out of them, so i limp it the rest of the way home since i dont have a spare for it i take off the rim and throw it in the back of my truck and i called him and told him about it and he said it was cool dont worry about it , then i unload it , take the trailer back to his house and then im on my way home when it was dark and i get pulled over and im like *** now , and the cop goes u know ur maker and tail lights aint workin and i was like damn-cuss and sure enough the trailer apperently had a short in it and blew my fuse and now i had no tail lights,well he didnt give me a ticket just told me to run my hazards on till i got home and figured out what was wrong with it, oh yeah i for got to telll ya about the bad seals in the rear end that were leakin all in the drums , and the bad brake lines on the front and the one eighth of an inch of pads left on the front brakes, so i put new brake pad on and then see that the rotors have heat cracks in them so now i need to replace them now , well i put new rear end seals new gear oil, new rear wheel cylinders new brake shoes, have the drums turned new front pads new master cylinder new power booster, new gps, then those dang things went bad after like two months, "dont ever buy ac delco gp's they suck" so i went and bought 8 new beru motorcraft gp's and put those in new belts, new rad hoses, i need a new idler arm now, but it does run like a dream tho,luckly when i bought it the guy had a new starter on it and a new alt on it new starter relay and gp relay, air filter look like it was the original on from the factory but i had a diamond plate steel flat bed on it with a goose neck hitch , and to top it off it had 3 tires that were 235/75-16 and 3 tires that were 255/70-16 so now i gotta buy some matchin tires now all one size, so now im about to put all the parts on and get this thing ready for the road " i hope"

now for the good parts

i been working on cars trucks, atv's motorcycles, diesel's and small engines for most of my life and at least since i was 10 i rebilt my first go kart motor when i was 10 and i have always loved doing it it always been a hobby all my life i love it till the day i die but never have had the money to actually build something and go hey guy look what i built, my dually has just the right amount of space between the flat bed and the cab to put 48" tall dual 4" stack between it but i just cant afford 500 to put stacks on it after all this money i have put in it besides the exaust looks like crap anyways its all bent but after im done with this truck she will almost look brand new and i hope one day i can afford a used turbo kit for it so it dont struggle pullin the heavy trailers i have to pull for work, i may not be certfied mech, even tho i work at a diesel shop for a couple years , if theres a truck in front of me i will dang near bet on it i can figure out whats wrong with it and fix it "if i got the parts lol"

so here it is guys i hope i get picked for this drawin for these stacks pweasw:hail :hail :hail :hail :hail ;Sweet ;Sweet :thumbsup:

86 1 tonhauler

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
i and i forgot to put how i have always loved the sounds of diesels since i was a kid cuz my dad used to sell trucks for a living and he used to always take me for rides in them big diesels truck, well hes passed on now for about almost 5 years now and i miss him so, every time i hear a diesel truck i think of him and when he used to take me for rides in them when i was a kid,

i love this site for one cuz theres alot of idi owners that really love there trucks and dont just beat the crap out of them they really care , and as u know i own a 86 1 ton 6.9l idi and i love the sound of them when u start them up cold and they sound like wakin up and old man and grumblin and till they warm up and there work horses, this site rocks because of all the idi' owners and not to many psd's guys bashin these old idi's or people makin fun of u the psd guys dont realize that these old idi's where what there psd motor was designed after , well enough of my rambling if any of it made sense at all i be luck cuz i was never good at essay type stuff , so im gonna go back to eating pizza and praying i get stacks lol:hail :hail :hail :thumbsup:


USAF C-17 Avionics
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Dover AFB / Harrisburg PA
While I don't have an IDI, I spend most of my time down in the basement. Even while runnin' the PSD around, no doubt in my mind that the '80-'96/7 trucks are the best thing Ford ever rolled off the line.

Always happy to help with the knowledge I have of the older trucks from wrenchin' on the Broncos and solvin' electrical problems! Best part is the site's balance of knowledge with humor/pokin' fun so everyone has a good time all the time.

Plus this is where I crossed paths with Sam!

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