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  1. tbowker

    C6 Detent Question

    You may already be aware of this and I'm just busy running my mouth. But there are fractional, number and letter drills. The decimal equivalent of a #43 drill is .089, FWIW.
  2. tbowker

    Dash fuse panel cover clip/screw thingies

    Wow, you found that link faster than @Old Goat Don't worry, I won't tell him..... oh wait, maybe I just did. :angel:
  3. tbowker


    I'll be on the prowl. I like to pretend I can fabricate, but I'm really just better at seeing what someone else has already done and then modifying it to fit my particular situation. Usually after the 3rd or 4th change I'm feeling pretty good about what I've done. Rare that I hit it on the first...
  4. tbowker


    74 pages, I know where I'll be the next several days. That's going to be an interesting build to follow, thanks.
  5. tbowker

    So it is I.P. time, what else to look at?

    Yeah, that's my common statement. I haven't been successful at getting the bride on that same page. I have a 40×60 and it's slap full.
  6. tbowker

    C6 Detent Question

  7. tbowker


    Nice looking fender wells.... more pictures.
  8. tbowker

    So what did you do with your truck today?

    I have a sister and a bunch of niece's and nephew's in Fruitland. A cousin who's not far from Cheyenne. You're doing what would be my family tour. Admirable road trip.
  9. tbowker

    What would you get?

    You sir, are out of control. :rotflmao
  10. tbowker

    What would you get?

    Back at ya. I get a kick out of reading your comments, because more often than not, it sends me right to the dictionary.
  11. tbowker

    What would you get?

    Gonna need a pretty big truck to carry a large enough meter if you're looking for accuracy.
  12. tbowker

    What would you get?

    I presume that four gauge pod is only for something newer than '86. Glow shift only seems to offer 3 gauge models for mine. Unless you modified and fabricated. Looks good.
  13. tbowker

    New tach sensor but still inaccurate reading.

    Hmm, valid point. The world may never know since it seems they were content to rest on their laurels.
  14. tbowker

    Rear exhaust hanger

    And the wood ones take a lot of soaking before they'll bend.
  15. tbowker

    New tach sensor but still inaccurate reading.

    I'm not so sure about that... it's called Heinz 57, not Heinz 58. ;Poke
  16. tbowker

    driver door is loose, won't stay open.

    That's a fact! I removed the door and was able to remove the upper and lower hinges easy enough. The real frustration began when I put the door on and off about 10-15 times before I managed to get it hung correctly. I swore that if I ever had to replace hinges again that I'd remove the fender...
  17. tbowker

    mechanical lift pump repairable?

    Oh that hurts. I'm successfully running a facet. I won't show it this thread.
  18. tbowker

    HElP! I bought Jake_IN 7.3 with a dead cyl

    I've heard them referred to as Irish sunglasses.
  19. tbowker

    So what did you do with your truck today?

    Look for two more. In for a penny, in for a pound. Those "new" rims are classy, you don't want to be accused of being half classed.
  20. tbowker

    Air build up in power steering

    It's called Gates barricade hose. It's a bit more pricey but it's good stuff. I got mine on Amazon.
  21. tbowker

    Someone go get it!!!

    Nice rims.
  22. tbowker

    Talk me out of it, please

    That's me, I'm more of a wood butcher. My cousin used to call it being a cobenter and not carpenter. Not to say I'm any better at metal work, but I enjoy it more.
  23. tbowker

    So what did you do with your truck today?

    Not long ago I got the third element of that trifecta. A friend of mine who's had a lift for a bunch of years told me when I got mine, that it will become my most favorite tool... he was right. I've had my F350 on the lift for a while and needed to change the oil in my GMC, I was grumbling just...
  24. tbowker

    Talk me out of it, please

    Look at it this way. You'll be laying there in the rack, looking at those mismatched lines on the bead board, tossing and turning. Weeks, possibly months of sleepless nights wondering what other things could the previous owner have done half ***** that aren't so obvious. You'll be a physical and...
  25. tbowker

    Dually differences

    Grainger was probably just a slightly smaller boatload unless you have the better account other than regular Joe off the street.

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