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  1. R


    I'd just sell it. New atf and gearoil cost more than diesel.
  2. R

    Removing emusified water and antifreeze from WMO/ATF

    Unless your oil is really nasty, thats a waste of time. I tried a 10 and 1 to begin with, and took the 10 out.
  3. R

    Removing emusified water and antifreeze from WMO/ATF

    I got them from here. I've put about 200 gal several times through one 1 mic sock, using a fill rite 15 gpm (it won't pump oil that...
  4. R

    Removing emusified water and antifreeze from WMO/ATF

    I can filter 50 gal of 100% wmo in about 15 min with a 1 mic 30" sock filter at 70 deg.
  5. R

    Removing emusified water and antifreeze from WMO/ATF

    I can filter 50 gal of 100% wmo in about 15 min with a 1 mic 30" sock filter.
  6. R

    How much acetone?

    Based on that, bad things will happen if there's any water in your fuel.
  7. R

    92 Cummins smoking

    Runner a higher %, like 80 or 90%. On mine, it all smokes the same at any %. When it's close to free, you don't really care anymore. If you have a dual tank setup, you can always switch back when you don't want to stink people out.
  8. R

    is this necessary

    For wvo, yes you need heat, more than just a heated filter. For wmo, you may need something like that when it's cold. I don't know, it has not gotten cold here yet.
  9. R

    And so it begins....

    Local oil pickup co's have been paying for it for a while around here, anywhere from $.60 to $1 a gallon if you have a contract with them.
  10. R

    Does hot WMO burn better?

    I don't think it's a problem with wmo, just vo.
  11. R

    Water in WMO

    Oil is lighter than water, water will not rise to the top.
  12. R

    How fast are you guys going through stock filters?

    fs1065 right now. Plenty of choices with a 1"-14tpi filter base. Anything from 2-30 mic, 5-12" tall.
  13. R

    How fast are you guys going through stock filters?

    I bypased the small PITA to change factory filter, and use big filters off tractor trailers. They are 3-4 times the size of the stock filter, and rated to flow 12-15 gal a min.
  14. R

    wmo = blue smoke ?

    Cummins also does not recomend fuel plates, bigger turbos, nitrous, 4gsk, twin turbos, etc. Same kinda negativity about WVO 4-5 years ago.
  15. R

    Loose Lips Sink Ships?

    You guys are lucky. Went searching around here a few weeks ago and the local used oil pickup co. has started paying 60-90 cents a gallon for wmo.

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