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  1. White Elephant

    Cant stop pinion nut from coming loose

    Northern middle tn in macon co.
  2. White Elephant

    Cant stop pinion nut from coming loose

    I got me a new nut today. Probly just gonna take my 3/4 impact and zip it on there with red locktight. And if its got extra space i might take the old nut ( and cut it down if i have to ) and put it on top of the new one.... just for the heck of it i guess. I would like to upgrade to the newer...
  3. White Elephant

    Cant stop pinion nut from coming loose

    Alrighty I'll probly thow a new nut on tomorrow if i can pick one up at the parts store today. I was kinda iffy about puttin the red locktight on there incase i had to take it off again lol. I thought maybe they were supposed to back off a little bit so it wont burn the bearings out of the...
  4. White Elephant

    Cant stop pinion nut from coming loose

    Ive got a 88 ford f350 with a single wheel 10.25 rear in it and i cant keep a pinion nut to stay tight on the thing. Its came loose on me twice already. I tried searching for other trucks with the same problem and i learned a few things but i still havent been able to fix mine. The first time it...
  5. White Elephant

    Pillar Gauges 87-91

    Thanks yall. that one artice was pretty handy. I couldnt find any of that info before. I kinda thought they would fit but wasnt 100 percent sure. And didnt wanna go ahead and buy one and have it not work.
  6. White Elephant

    Pillar Gauges 87-91

    Does anyone know if they make the pillar gauges that will go in the 87 -91 trucks. I know they got the one thats just the middle section that will probably work but i want it to look pretty decent. And i was lookin for one that"ll go from the top to the bottom. Or will the pillars for the OBS...
  7. White Elephant

    Thinkin bout gettin a turbo

    Thats a good thing. haha
  8. White Elephant

    Thinkin bout gettin a turbo

    Thanks man i didnt know all that stuff was up there. Lot of useful info.
  9. White Elephant

    Thinkin bout gettin a turbo

    Hey all ive been pondering about the idea of gettin a turbo to put on my NA truck and ive got a few questions. First is it really worth puttin a turbo on these trucks and can yall tell a difference in power. And what kind would yall reccomend gettin... a factory turbo or an aftermarket brand? Or...
  10. White Elephant

    diesel lope

    I tried lookin up how to make mine lope too.. but i found out ya cant do it. unless ya wanna turn the idle way down or run it out of fuel. And to me it aint worth that. lol
  11. White Elephant

    Rear end gear swap

    Thanks guys. I went and got that junkyard axle today and will probly get it swapped in tonight. I'll let yall know how she turns out.
  12. White Elephant

    Rear end gear swap

    spiders are bad because i took em out and looked at em and i found at least one of the teeth starting to crack off. (luckly it didnt all the way) and the pin that holds them in was gettin a little loose on the gears (and maybe on the carrier itself a lil bit) yea i do rag my truck out pretty...
  13. White Elephant

    Rear end gear swap

    both of these rears are th 10.25 sterlings.
  14. White Elephant

    Rear end gear swap

    Hey all. I tried searchin the forum for this info but couldnt find none that was definate so here goes. My spider gears were goin bad in my truck with a limited slip 4.10 ratio so i pulled em and called around today and the only place i could find anythin wants to sell me the whole carrier for...
  15. White Elephant

    drw or srw reg cab 4x4???

    Do whatever ya want man... but if ya chose duals then ya can leave the front with the single rims on. Thats how mine is. And i think it looks alright. It used to be a lil bit different from all the other trucks wit the singles on the front and duals on the back but it seems like all the cummins...
  16. White Elephant

    ZF-5 S42 tailshaft swap

    Dog catcher is right. all the guts gotta come out and ya gotta split the front half and rear half of the case. And if ya decide to swap out gears then ya gotta get em off the main shafts of both trannys. Then put them together accordingly using the good stuff in the tranny goin in your truck.
  17. White Elephant

    Long tern effects of SMF?

    I just swapped mine to a single cause the dual went bad. Its got a "gear whineish" noise at lower speeds. Kinda like a few tractors ive heard but personally i dont care if it makes noise or not. and i dont think its messing wit the tranny too bad. (its a lot better than a bad dual makin noise) lol
  18. White Elephant

    d60 front end sudden wobble

    First thing i"d check is the steerin stablizer then the tires and rims and go from there to the other stuff. My front rims were bent and givin me the death wobble.
  19. White Elephant

    Who else has a dually?

    Heres mine
  20. White Elephant

    Luk smf flywheel ?s

    Oh alright. Thanks man. It makes sense now. lol
  21. White Elephant

    Luk smf flywheel ?s

    yea i know they had the psd in 94 but that bottom part of the post is what i coped and pasted from the site and it says 93-94 idi turbo flywheels are a diff part number than the na ones. jw if they got diff. power ratings or whatnot and if theyll fit in a na truck.
  22. White Elephant

    Luk smf flywheel ?s

    My truck is gonna need a smf flywheel pretty soon and the cheapest ones i can find are the Luk ones. I would do the lucky mod but i think i would probly screw it up and end up costing a lot of money so i wont attempt it. But my question is that Luk has 2 different kinds. One is for the non...
  23. White Elephant

    Turbo IDI Junkyard Motor

    Yea i"d say forget about that motor. Theres a lot better stuff out there. Just wait for the right one to come along. Then ya can jump on it. lol
  24. White Elephant

    Truck idleing crappy

    yea i looked furthur into it last night and found out about all that bolting and weldin it. and i think i could do it. but im not too sure i wanna take the chance cause bein my luck it would be outa balance when i get done. so i think imma save up and get a single flywheel and a decent clutch to...
  25. White Elephant

    Truck idleing crappy

    Hmm.. that lucky mod thing sounds pretty cool. Might try it if i get some time on my hands. lol As long as it holds up and works and i dont get it out of balance i"ll be happy. haha

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