Recent content by Red_Ford_Truck

  1. R

    First one

    Welcome Welcome, Sounds like a nice rig, how many miles does it have?
  2. R

    Clutch pedal Heim Joint Mod Complete!

    Keeping things lubed up has allowed me to go thus far on the original setup, but I would like to see the pictures for future reference. Thanks for taking the time out from the job to take them. :)
  3. R

    this place rocks

    I agree, Pretty cool. Thanks for setting it up, paying the tab, and putting in the time to make it happen. Nice work.
  4. R

    Moderators moderating Posts

    What is everyone gonna complain about then? What is everyone gonna complain about then? :D
  5. R

    Rear orange turn signals.

    International turn signals (cars marketed overseas) have red brake lights, and orange/yellow turn indicators. You should not have a problem. Any cop can get a wild hair, but there would be nothing wrong with this set up per DOT if it were OEM. The orange/yellow light in front has to do...