Recent content by Mrs Jred

  1. M

    I have issues..... Not that you guys didn't already know that.

    Thanks for the help. I thought of a junkyard but impossible with my situation.
  2. M

    I have issues..... Not that you guys didn't already know that.

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a new front bumper for our truck. If anyone who is local has an extra bumper laying around for a 94 body style that would be wonderful. Let me know if you can help....... Jill;Sweet
  3. M

    Update on Jared

    mel- i won't be able to make any of them. family reunion on sun and jimmy cone is right before i fly to texas to see him graduate. thanks for invite though.
  4. M

    Update on Jared

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been in touch with Jared and he seems to be doing well. He is now officially half way thru basic training.
  5. M

    8th Annual (2009) IDI Rally Information

    Just wanted to let everyone know that we have reservations for a 2 room cabin (doesn't give a site #). We will be there July 2-July 6. It will be Jared and I along with the kidos. By the way we are expecting for those who didn't know the magical date is said to be May 31st and it's going to be...
  6. M

    Picked up a new power mod

    Just so you know I happen to know the "goat owners" you are talking about and yes they might drive dodge trucks but why don't you educate yourself on what they drag almost every sunday. Then maybe you will get off of your soap box.
  7. M

    1993 4x4 super cab 189,000

    would you be able to take some more pics please

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