Recent content by 87BullnoseBlue

  1. 8

    Glow plug Harness

    I am looking for a place to buy a Glow Plug Harness for my 86 f250 6.9idi if you have any info or a site lmk I can not find anything around where I am at in CA
  2. 8

    Oil pan gasket leaks

    Any suggestions on what to do for a leaking oil pan in a 87 6.9L Diesel F250? I was told you gotta pretty much pull the engine to even get to it. Is there a Way I can do it and save myself 700 bucks from a trip to the shop lmk thanks.
  3. 8

    Hard steering

    I have the same issue sorta I changed the steering Gear Box now I can't turn left or right and the thing squeals Bleed the air out too I am no Mechanic but I need answers. Lol