Recent content by snicklas

  1. snicklas

    Anyone swap back to throttle cable?

    @greenskeeper and @frankenwrench ***EDITED BELOW MESSAGE TO CORRECT THE MISTAKE IN THE TROLLING SENTENCE*** I have just spent the last few minutes cleaning up this thread. Personal attacks are not allowed. What might appear as trolling repeatedly is also not allowed. It stops NOW, or...
  2. snicklas

    IDI marine engine questions

    The block should be the same. The heads should probably be also. The water cooled manifolds should just be an all external bolt-on application. IP may have a different calibration, but again, that is bolt on. My guess is they used the standard IDI drillings and mounted their accessories on...
  3. snicklas

    6.0 on black diesel?

    I have actually only heard of a couple of people trying WMO in a 6.0. Many have done it in a 7.3 PSD, but the injectors are more forgiving in a 7.3. I have a 6.0 and a barrel of WMO at home that we run in our IDI’s…. We are currently between IDI, and the oil will just sit there. For me, the...
  4. snicklas

    New to us truck at work.

    I’ve never owned one, but have heard from people that have, they are single digit gas mileage engines….
  5. snicklas

    Project Stress Test

    I don’t have the ability to change that. He’s suggestion I have is to see if your phone allows a resize. I’ve actually not had an issue with file size on here, even with my iPhone pictures…
  6. snicklas

    Anti Gel Product (Howes)

    I normally used power service. I remember someone on here years ago, swore by Howes. They were a OTR Driver…. but the thing they did say about Howes is, they never gelled up, but you had to use the Howes in EVERY TANK of fuel, year around. With the PS stuff, you could go all summer and use...
  7. snicklas

    how much time before 7.3 is warm? outside temp now 10*C

    As others have said, it all depends on outside temperature. On my 6.0 Excursion (I know, not and IDI, but still a big V-8 diesel) that has had the EGR Deleted for at least a decade, is, if it is below about 40 degrees F, it WILL NOT see normal operating temperature. I’ve had times when it is...
  8. snicklas

    “The 6.9” project thread

    Of course we will let it slide…. It a Ford F-IN Ranger……
  9. snicklas

    So what did you do with your truck today?

    Our 73 F-250 had that setup it was in the angled part below the drivers seat. You could reach down between the seat and door and switch tanks. I’m not sure what they did for the gauge.
  10. snicklas

    Cup holders

    So what this a gift when you were a FedEx driver? Did he rid in the truck with you then?
  11. snicklas

    Cup holders

    The way I’ve always looked at a forum (this one included) is like a bunch of like-ish minded people sitting around a campfire talking. You will have conversation about the subject you are all like-ish minded about, but that conversation will wander on and off topic…. This is part of what makes...
  12. snicklas

    Could this be the solution?

    With the sit for a few minutes and then it will restart sounds like a couple of things.. One, with the previous contamination, you could have chunks of stuff in the bottom of the tank, that get sucked up against the infamous showerhead, and stops fuel flow. While the engine is off and there...
  13. snicklas

    F700 Hood Latch Handle ?

    That kinda reminds me of our 79 Fairmont Wagon we had. From the factory, the hood latch was in a little recess above the drivers headlight. You popped the hood with that and then reach in the center and released the secondary latch.
  14. snicklas

    F700 Hood Latch Handle ?

    I’m not 100%sure, but I think he is talking the lever you reach through the grille to move the safety latch, so you can open the hood. I know on some older F-6/7/800 they had a normal hood and fenders like a pickup, and some had the tilt forward doghouse…
  15. snicklas

    Best place to buy pyrometer in a hurry?

    Agreed, I would look for something that deals with big trucks… not automotive… Here in Indy we have a place called TruckPro… Think NAPA, or AutoZone, but for big trucks…. Ours is near a huge truck stop and several truck dealers….

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