Search results

  1. Mt_Man

    Centrifuge bowl design ideas?

    Let's hear some bowl ideas! So I picked up this chip spinning centrifuge for cheap. It is designed to wring machining chips. I don't think modify the existing bowl would be as good as build a new oil bowl. Also allow me to resell if not adequate for oil cleaning. It has got a decent diameter...
  2. Mt_Man

    Biobor JF to wmo blends

    Has anyone added Biobor JF to their wmo blends to kill microbes for storage? Results? Technically support said it can be used with any hydrocarbons. Gave some other interesting information. Should blend fine and be just as effective, but viscosity might make not mix as quickly so agitation is...
  3. Mt_Man

    Thinning vs heating before centrifuging?

    I haven't used my heater in a long time because I have been thinning my oil before centrifuging. I had a batch this summer in the warm weather. Got a bunch of sludge out. It was thinned and warmer then 60f. Hot hot weather. I am wondering if even thinned being warmer made that much of...
  4. Mt_Man

    ps300 fuel oil

    A friend has some ps300 fuel oil he wants hauled off. It looks like it is bunker oil blended with diesel to make it less viscous so that it is pumpable without heating. Wondering if it would be worth passing through the centrifuge and burning in my oil furnace. Don't think I want to burn it in...
  5. Mt_Man

    Barrel stove idea wmo/wood

    Been thinking about building a greenhouse for some winter veggies and mushrooms. Need a way to heat it and maintain a good temperature through out the day or night. Needs to have a thermostat controlled heater and automatic window vent/fan. Trying to use stuff I already have I sketched this out...
  6. Mt_Man

    Free wmo fuel mixes

    Anyone of you wmo junkies around Portland, Oregon need or want some wmo? I have more then I can use and need to liquidate. I have a bunch that is blended but not processed. Would like to see it go to a good home lol Let me know by pm
  7. Mt_Man

    Simple way to get rid of sludge from fuging

    Not sure if this is particularly unsafe or environmentally friendly but I feel it's better then taking it to the oil recycle or dumping in the dump. I have burned the stuff in soup can in wood stoves, super hot burn pile, and blended with some oil and taken to recyclers. This took a while to...
  8. Mt_Man

    Finding the limits of my centrifuge and the sweet spot

    So I got a question the for those that continuous flow centrifuger out there. I just set my single pass centrifuge up so I could use it as continuous with a pump. First pass is from my dirty tote to a clean tote. Second pass is the recirculated from the bottoms of the clean tote through my fuge...
  9. Mt_Man

    Wmo and injectors tips

    I am getting ready to replace my 5.9L 12valve cummins injectors. 215k on stock injectors I believe. `60k on wmo, not bad. I do a lot of towing. I was doing some research on injectors and a buddy showed me this video. SAC vs VCO. These guys logic makes sense. Wonder if anyone has tried SAC...
  10. Mt_Man

    Coalescing(fuel/water seperator) Fuel Filter?

    I have to some old diesel and jet fuel that is a little hazy. Anyone ever come up with a cheap Coalescing filter set up? Good vid Seems like the racor turbine filters like the 1000fg filters would work pretty good. Thoughts/experiences?
  11. Mt_Man

    Other Alternative Fuel Forum out there?

    Just looking for more info on the web. Anyone have other websites/forums that they frequent. I have been on steelsoldiers and thedieselstop. What are some others? Thanks all!
  12. Mt_Man

    Filtered wmo in carbureted oil stove?

    Anyone ever try to burning filtered wmo in a oil stove that uses a carburetor fuel flow control? Like these Thinking centrifuged and small tank next to the stove so it stays warm. Possibly thinned with kerosene. Or two tanks and start/stop on diesel/kerosene then run on wmo. They all seem to...
  13. Mt_Man

    Sludge/water and oil seperator for ibc tote

    Natehimself36 had this idea he gets credit. His efficient design Maybe someone came up with this before. Not sure. Maybe someone can find this useful. Anyone else make something like this? Got pics? Simpler setup? Made some mods, over complicated now lol I am in the process of...
  14. Mt_Man

    Diesel craft centrifuges in mobile setup

    I am getting a two diesel craft pressure centrifuges from a long time wvo guy. Oc-25 and oc-50. Need some cleaning up but pretty excited. I have a gravity centrifuge so this is new system for me. Thinking of setting these up in a mobile filtering setup. Currently thinking trailer mounted for...
  15. Mt_Man

    gas diesel mixed figure out ratio?

    So got about 25gallons of gas with a little diesel in it from a source of mine. Could I test the specific gravity and figure out the ratio of gas:diesel? Kinda want to use it for other stuff then just mix it in with wmo. Thanks

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