Recent content by Agnem

  1. Agnem

    Exhaust soot

    A smoke puff limiter is only going to be of value if you already have a turbo.
  2. Agnem

    Project Black Stallion

    This reminds me a bit of Ezekiel's truck. It had a weird shake at idle that a bunch of us tried like crazy to fix at the 2007 IDI Weekend. Never did figure out what it was, and it was a brand new Jasper reman he had in there. Hope all this effort bears fruit!
  3. Agnem

    Getting by with one battery in summer?

    Lots of folks are out there running around with only 50% capacity in their batteries anyway, so just because you have two 850CCA batteries doesn't mean you have 1700CCA. It's probably more like just one battery if they are 4 or 5 years old. I see this all the time in my shop. Not a problem if...
  4. Agnem

    6.9 vs 7.3 Injection Lines

    It is true that 6.9 and 7.3 lines are different for sure. Conventional wisdom says don't mix them, but if it runs OK, obviously whatever effect it causes is not the end of the world. Personally, I wouldn't do it because it would bug me. Effect or not. Now if you do something like delete the...
  5. Agnem

    Need some corona dollars?

    Boy weren't those the days! We miss you too Heath, and all our IDI family. So glad we spent that 10 plus years together. Those were happy important years.
  6. Agnem

    Need some corona dollars?

    I sent you a text Ron.
  7. Agnem

    Need some corona dollars?

    Despite the virus, everyone seems to be doing well and I suppose since people are being asked to stay home, it is giving a lot of folks an opportunity to spend more time in the garage or what have you. We have been experiencing a rather brisk pace for our Moose Pump sales, and I am once again...
  8. Agnem

    2019 Rally Convoy

    Wishing you guys all the best for a fantastic time! Really wish I could have joined you, but I have to go to Florida this month, and there was only so much money and time off. Graham had thoughts of driving up from Charleston SC, where he now lives, along with the Iron Moose, but he got a...
  9. Agnem

    CDD DB4 Pump Build

    Interesting thread! And Wes, as usual, I commend you for the experimentation. I do however, have to at least point out that I put a lot of information out that was available before you came on the scene, and I suppose much of this has been lost in antiquity. We regularly manufacture the Omega...
  10. Agnem

    GP tips gone

    Perhaps. I know the only reason we have traditionally adhered to this belief is that it is stated somewhere in the IH or Ford service literature.
  11. Agnem

    GP tips gone

    Eroded tips are traditionally a sign of advanced timing, so possibly the injectors in those cylinders are popping lower than the others, which would advance the timing there. The spray pattern is not much of a factor, as in my IDI cutaway head which is in the Moose Museum, you can clearly see...
  12. Agnem

    boost related ticking?

    We talked a bit, and I'll wait to hear the video, but I'm pretty sure this is an exhaust leak between the head and turbo on one side or the other.
  13. Agnem

    idles fine dies going down the road

    Fuel output from your shrader should be good all the time. Sounds like you need a fuel pressure gauge near the pump inlet to monitor your fuel flow. You may have an issue with air intrusion at the fuel pickup, or something else going on that is pinching off the flow.
  14. Agnem

    Glow plug control module

    Some make the noise and some don't. The current rushing through whatever it is, seems to cause the noise. It's harmless, and actually if it makes it, be happy. It's easier to tell when its not working.
  15. Agnem

    Wholly crap she ran away on me

    If the external regulator was missing, maybe someone did the 3G upgrade that was quite popular a decade or more ago. Sorry your wiring is such a mess and you have to reverse engineer what has happened to this truck. A voltmeter will always be your friend.

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