High pyrometer readings on 6.9L IDIT


Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
edmond, ks
You have to stay under 10psi, from what I remember reading.
What would be the safe limits that I can run as far as boost, pump output, and RPM assuming that my '85 engine is original...??

My understanding with turbocharging the 6.9s is that you HAVE to use head studs…
The generally accepted rule is 10 PSI without studs and 15 PSI with. You don't HAVE to run studs and you don't HAVE to keep below 10 PSI and there's people out there who haven't and haven't had troubles. On the other hand, I feel that it's better to be safe than sorry so I would recommend studs when running a turbo on a 6.9.
I don't think that RPM has as much to do with it as does the amount of boost that you are making. You can also "cheat" a little bit by running an intercooler. The added volume of an air to air intercooler will drop your boost a little bit (assuming that you don't change anything other than adding the intercooler) but will increase your power by pushing cooler air into the engine. Just like the studs, I feel that an intercooler is practically a requirement when running a turbo. Unless you're running a stock (as sold new) turbo kit, you should be running an intercooler, in my opinion.